Saturday, November 19, 2011

Marché de Noël on Ave. de Champs Elysées

We started out early - well, past midday and the weather was beautiful. There were already throngs of people at the marché, simply strolling along, sampling the hot wine - of which there were many stalls, having their snacks on the sidewalk food courts. It had a strangely commercial feel to it though- it is after all the Champs Elysées though-  for authenticity I have been told that there is no other than the Strasbourg Market .

It was still a great deal of fun - took in the food stalls, sampled some of the food on offer, tucked into the waffles with cream, dug into our cones of roasted chestnuts- yes, a very typical Christmas market snack - but being from the southern hemisphere, my very first time having them.
There was everything for everyone, with an ice-skating rink and a motorised-scooter track, mini-rides, slides for the kids...and for the adults, the shopping stalls, hot wine stands and a champagne and oyster bar to boot- which as the evening drew out became a rather popular spot - it was heated.
We left late, and had only managed one side of the Avenue. Will leave the rest to the Parisians. It was a wonderful day out after the grey of last week.

Crepes and waffles got us going... 

The more popular stands

The very cheery chestnust seller
Ice skating rink for the little people...
...and scooters
And for the big people... 

The Champs Elysées all lit up 

The carousel at Place du Concorde
Luminous christmas trees

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