Saturday, May 14, 2011

Places in Paris: Musée des Arts Décoratifs

I decided to forego the usual tourist haunts...No to the Louvre and the crowds there to see the Mona Lisa; but Yes to the Museum of Decorative Arts.
This tends to have more contemporary exhibitions if you’re not quite up to the historical cultural experience. On currently is L’Art de L’Auto; with the entire first floor space dedicated to the vintage car collection of Ralph Lauren. Some people collect stamps, others…

Took in the permanent collection again; From the beginning of the Decorative Arts periods; Middle  Ages to the Rennaissance,  then on to the contemporary space - always find the Art Deco and Nouveau Art collections far more interesting. Interestingly laid out to move you from the 40s to current day floor by floor. Open Tues – Sunday 11am-6pm.

107 Rue de Rivoli

From the Middle Ages and the Rennaissance periods...

To the 40s, 50s and 60s...

Some interesting pieces along the way...

A view of the Jardins des Tuileres from one of the windows...

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